Mini Rage Face Happy Smiley

cupil's writings

browse at your leisure

#022 ~ time is an illusion

these entries aren't dated on purpose, i feel like dating things renders things obsolete or creates a false reality of what was rather than what is. that probably sounds like total brainrot but i swear it makes more sense in my head.

#021 ~ dancing

im picking up dancing as a hobby but also because i need more exercise and i get bored with workout routines, its really fun so far

#020 ~ final fantasy

after years of not being able to get into it, i'm starting to like it

#019 ~ alcohol addiction

it's really sad seeing someone go through it

#018 ~ dunno why I'm even on here

I don't have much to say these days. i guess life is pretty sweet right now.

#017 ~ sims 1

I miss playing sims 1 double deluxe on my windows ME in 2003

#016 ~ explaining art to others

art is not just paintings and drawings. what about sculptures? music? movies? flower arranging? writing? interior design? mixed media arts? jewelry making? stained glass? collages? journaling? are all of these not considered an art of sorts? even if they cross paths with other areas like entertainment, design and crafting these are all still arts to me...the abysmal mess of the existing fine art world could never change my mind

#015 ~ fasting thoughts

I love how fasting in the morning makes me feel. i used to be one of those people that would enforce the "you must have breakfast at all costs" in the mornings if you want to healthy. ultimately, when it comes to health improvement decisions I have come to a conclusion that different things work for different people. you have to want to experiment with different things if reasonably possible and see which ways bring out the best in you. i have heard, seen and know some of the most out there "woo woo" things work for some people while traditional medical treatments make people sicker. (and vice versa!!)

#014 ~ all shrek movies are fire

I could make a detailed powerpoint as to why this is an absolute fact

#013 ~ i go meow

🎶 i go meow, i go meow, i go meow, go meow, i dont know, who i am, look away, away 🎶

#012 ~ grateful for leadership

I have a really amazing boss. She's one of the most enlightened and self-aware people I have ever met. I wish more leadership like her existed in the world because so many people out there could benefit from someone who actually cares about them. It makes me sad thinking about someone being disrespected at their job. I've had mega toxic bosses in the past who tore me up and all I can say it's much better to leave the job if you can.

#011 ~ trials of mana

trials of mana for PS4 is a fun game. I didn't know that it's been around for a long time way before PS4. but then again, pretty much everything in media is a remake so i'm not surprised at all...

#010 ~ passport renewals

i've been facing annoying obstacles trying to renew my passport for a few days now like its just such a major minor inconvenience. I hope to one day wake up to the government making things easier (impossible mode)

#009 ~ ngl, some tiktokers are funny

as someone who grew up in brooklyn, nyc I can't get enough of @dannyserene's content on tiktok, so good

#008 ~ warped tour

the fact that I was able to go for 3 years in a row in 2007, 2008, 2009 fills me with joy. I'll never forget helping our friend Chris jump over the fence and meeting all sorts of cool people.

#007 ~ cookie clicker

I'm mad I found it again after several years, can't stop clicking and upgrading my cookie universe

#006 ~ whats a random thing that makes you cry?

the twilight town theme from Kingdom Hearts 2

#005 ~ post puzzle skeletal disorder

my husband and I finished a 1000 piece puzzle of all the spongebob squarepants characters. The puzzle turned out to be bigger than the table we were originally using and then we had to move it to the coffee table which meant a lot of bending down or sitting on the tile floor for a few hours. not good for my lower back.

#004 ~ things are getting messy

I realized that haven't been properly organizing my uploaded photos in folders and optimizing some of them....I'm just so lazy right now to fix this and I know I'm making a bigger hole to fix later, but I will get ThERE when I get THERE!! (╥﹏╥)

#003 ~ I have no idea what I'm doing

I have no idea what I'm doing

#002 ~ I hate pinterest (and nirvana by proxy)

Pinterest suspended my account of over 10,000 pins because I repinned that Nirvana album (the one with the baby) in a board where I like to collect album covers. On one hand I get it, the bots saw something potentially sus, and I'm glad those measures are in place...but are we just suspending entire accounts because a bot didn't like something it can't understand in its context?

#001 ~ misery loves it's company

The hardest lesson in life is learning that when you shine in a world where others are dim, everyone in that world is out to make sure that your light goes out too. They just don't believe that they are capable of shining as well.